The Dolphin Studio on WLPZ

The Dolphin Studio on WLPZ

Meet Jennifer St. Laurent from the Dolphin Studio, which specializes in Aerial Yoga, Mat Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Pilates, Barre, & Total Body Strength Training classes, as well as 1 on 1 Personal Training. Jennifer shares her many years as a fitness trainer and expands...
Zentgraf Healing Arts

Zentgraf Healing Arts

Yoga Anita interviews Tamara Zentgraf from on her practice in Reiki, shamanic healing, drumming circles, and physical therapy. Zentgraf has offices in Lancaster, and Watertown, MA. She does her drumming circles at Dragonfly...
Sanctuary of Healing for All

Sanctuary of Healing for All

Yoga Anita speaks with Karen Kierstead of Sanctuary of Healing for All, an Energy Healer for People & Animals, Drumming Journey’s, Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy. Karen also shares her new education venture. Listen to the show here....
New Puppy Meditation

New Puppy Meditation

  Those of you who follow me know that I recently got a new puppy. In response to some of your questions: he does sleep through the night; he is crate trained; he does know his name; my older dog does tolerate him and has been helpful in teaching     commands he knows...